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Ask Me Anything! 9 Q&A with YOUR Luminouscents Fempreneur

Pandemic blues got me, but guess what sparked joy? Candles! That's how Luminouscents, my handmade candle biz, was born. It's not just about wax & wicks, but about finding your light & sharing it with the world.

Join me on my journey of self-discovery, risk-taking, and spreading positivity through beautiful scents and cozy glows. Let's shine our lights together! Read on this blog to find out more about my story!

1.) What’s the most important lesson your business/career has taught you?

Honestly, it's the power of patience and consistency. Those aren't just buzzwords, they're the heart and soul of building something real.

See, candle-making itself teaches you patience, but owning a business? That's a whole different level. In the beginning, I had this fire in my belly, this absolute certainty that my candles would fly off the shelves. We all feel that way when we're chasing a dream, don't we?

But when reality didn't match that initial burst of enthusiasm, that's when the true lesson sank in. This isn't an overnight success story. It's a testament to the slow burn, the days where you make a lot, and the days where it feels like nothing is moving. But here's the thing: you cannot give up.

If your passion is real, and you believe in what you're creating, then keep showing up. Believe in yourself, and trust in a timing that isn't always your own. When you do the work, the universe has a funny way of meeting you halfway. The secret sauce? It's always been patience and consistency.

2.) What sets your business apart from the competition?

Ever feel like the candle market is just... saturated? Me too. Candles everywhere, but are they all created equal? Nope. I've been there, bought the black-walled, scentless disaster candle.

That's where Luminouscents comes in. We set ourselves apart by putting the 'wow' in your home décor before you even light the wick.

We handpick luxurious and versatile vessels that blend seamlessly with any style, from modern minimalism to timeless elegance. They're not just candles - they're conversation starters that elevate any space. Plus, we avoid bulky labels to ensure a clean, uncluttered look.

And when the last flicker fades? Our vessels become beautiful treasures you can repurpose. They make stunning flower vases or stylish storage containers. It's about sustainable luxury – creating something you love that also lasts.

So, yeah, Luminouscents are vegan, toxin-free, and smell amazing. But they're also the cherry on top of your home décor sundae.

3.) Tell us a little bit about yourself.

My name's Michelle, founder of Luminouscents. I never imagined the pandemic – that dark, uncertain time – would spark my dream of candle-making. For so many, it brought loss and hardship. Even though I kept my job, it made me question the whole nine-to-five grind... the feeling of needing a safety net.

Like a lot of folks, I turned inward, spent quiet time in prayer, and asked myself the hard questions: "What moves me? What am I actually good at? What's my purpose?" Turns out, the answer had been flickering right under my nose all along!

I've always loved candles – the way they fill a room with warmth and make everything feel cozy. They unlock memories, calm the soul… there's magic in that flame. Suddenly, it clicked. Creating my own candles wasn't just a hobby; it could be my path.

YouTube became my best friend (and let's be real, sometimes my worst enemy!) while I learned the science, the art, oh... and all the hidden complexities of candle-making. It's more intricate than you'd think! But I was hooked.

Luminouscents isn't just about selling a product. It's about crafting moments of peace, illuminating homes, and building something that lasts – chasing my own dreams while hopefully creating generational wealth for my family.

Let's be honest, starting a business is a wild ride. But I'm in it for the long haul, fueled by passion and always learning more about my craft.

4.) Tell us more about Luminouscents

In the heart of the pandemic, amidst the uncertainty, Luminouscents was born. We're a Latina-owned, small-batch candle and home fragrance company deeply committed to quality and a more mindful way of living. Our name isn't just about candles; it's about "shining your light" – a call to rediscover who you truly are at your core. We believe everyone has a unique brilliance within, a spark with the power to transform your own life and the world around you.

But how do we find that spark? Through pausing, reflecting...realizing that we're here to create, to make our mark. That's where our candles come in. Each one is hand-poured with a vegan coconut wax blend and clean, toxin-free fragrances, ensuring a long, cozy burn. Crackling wooden wicks add a touch of fireplace magic. We focus on local sourcing and meticulous craftsmanship because quality matters. But it's not just about the product, it's about wellness. Everything we create is vegan-friendly, cruelty-free, and phthalate-free – good for you and good for our planet.

Luminouscents is a journey of self-discovery, of women supporting women, of igniting that inner light in ourselves and others. Let's spread that light together.

5.) What's next for Luminouscents?

The future of Luminouscents burns bright! I have so many dreams for where we can go. Imagine stepping into your favorite boutique and seeing our candles gleaming on the shelves... or helping someone celebrate their most cherished moments with custom, hand-crafted favors for weddings, baby showers, and other special events.

There are even more collections simmering in my imagination, just waiting to be unveiled. This whole journey is thrilling – the possibilities, the creative energy – and I can't wait to see how Luminouscents shines even brighter in the years to come.

6.) It's tough starting your own business. what advice would you give fellow entrepreneurs hoping to start their own venture?

Starting your own business can be a rollercoaster, right? Believe me, I've been there.

Here's what I've learned:

  • Chase that dream! But remember, it's a marathon, not a sprint. Take time for yourself, reconnect with your inner voice, and trust that you have a unique purpose to fulfill.

  • Patience is key! Let your business take root organically. It's tempting to rush, but sometimes slow and steady wins the race.

  • Mistakes and criticism? They're not roadblocks – they're stepping stones! Learn, adapt, and use them to fuel your growth, both as a business owner and a person.

Building something from the ground up is an incredible journey. Embrace the ups and downs, and remember, you're not alone.

7.) Can you share a quote or affirmation?

"Slow progress is better than no progress. Stay positive and don't give up." This quote isn't just words on a page; it's my mantra, especially when building Luminouscents feels like a one-step-forward, two-steps-back kind of journey.

I started with just a flicker of an idea in 2023, and don't get me wrong, sometimes it feels like that's all it still is... a flicker. But this quote helps me reframe my perspective. Every batch poured, every label designed, every customer connection – it's all progress, however small it may seem in the moment.

It's a gentle reminder to celebrate the little wins, to trust the process, and to keep showing up, even when the road seems long. Because you know what? Even the brightest flame starts with just a spark.

8.) What keeps you busy professionally?

The entrepreneurial hustle is real! Just like life itself, the candle world is always evolving, and I'm constantly trying to keep Luminouscents aglow.

Here's a glimpse into my days:

  • Scent Scientist: I'm always tinkering with new fragrance combinations, searching for unique blends that evoke emotions and memories.

  • Design Maven: From classic vessels to modern marvels, I'm on the hunt for beautiful packaging that complements any style.

  • Trend Tracker: Keeping my finger on the pulse of the industry, I'm always learning what resonates with customers and adapting accordingly.

  • Market Maestro: This year, I'm excited to take Luminouscents to local markets, connecting face-to-face with customers and spreading the light!

It's a journey – there are ups and downs, successes and learning curves. But with patience, dedication, and maybe a little divine guidance, I'm determined to take Luminouscents to the next level.

9.) We’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking?

"If you don't take risks, you'll work for someone who did." This quote hit me like a ton of bricks! It's a constant reminder not to let the fear of failure hold me back. Starting Luminouscents was a big leap of faith, but looking back, it was the best decision I could have made.

Life is all about calculated risks.  Sure, there's always a chance of things not going exactly as planned, but success often requires stepping outside your comfort zone. My ultimate goal? To be my own boss and build something meaningful that leaves a legacy for generations to come.

Another quote that resonates deeply? "Success is on the other side of fear."  It's true! I launched Luminouscents, but there are still many hurdles to overcome. Stepping into the public eye while maintaining some privacy can be daunting, especially for a naturally reserved person like me. But I understand the importance of connecting with my audience. Striking a balance between sharing my passion and keeping my personal life private will be key.

Remember, fear is often a product of our own thoughts. True danger exists but fear itself is a choice. So, I choose to be fearless, to keep pushing forward, and to embrace the journey.

"Fempreneur." It's not just a label, it's a badge of honor for women who dare to dream big and build something on their own terms. It's about calculated risks, about pushing past fear and stepping into the spotlight.

Launching Luminouscents was a leap of faith. That feeling of stepping outside my comfort zone? Scary, but oh so empowering. Now, opening up online feels like another hurdle, but I'm learning that fear is rarely our friend. It's a choice, and I choose to embrace the challenge.

So, I'm extending an invitation. To all the dreamers, the fearless go-getters, to my fellow Fempreneurs! Let's share our stories, light up each other's journeys, and chase our goals together.

Remember, "success is on the other side of fear," and "if you don't take risks, you'll work for someone who did." Let's break generational barriers, build legacies that inspire, and illuminate the world with our collective light! Together, we can be the change we want to see.


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